25:31-46 November 26, 2023 Christ the KingSalvator Mundi
Leonardo daVinci
Midas is a story about a King who loves gold,
was already rich beyond anyone else, but he wishes
everything he touched would turn to gold.
gets his wish, but he finds that this is not a good thing.
he touched did turn to gold: flowers, furniture,
couldn't sleep because his bed was gold,
couldn't eat because his food turned to gold.
Then he touched his beloved daughter
and she turned into solid gold.
got what he wanted, but he was miserable.
Richard the Third is the story about a King
as a prince stopped at nothing to get to be King.
puts his relatives in jail, has some killed, and tells lies about others.
He finally becomes King, but he is so frightened
and suspicious because of
everything he did that he eventually
one of his brothers and his wife.
His kingdom rebels against him and on the night
before a great battle, the ghosts
of everyone Richard has killed come to visit him.
tell him that he will die.
the next day, Richard is killed in a battle against his own brother.
ambition for power was his downfall.
David was the great King of Israel,
chosen one, the anointed one.
He has everything he wants, he is beloved by his country,
he has wealth luxury,
many wives, many concubines,
one day he sees a woman, Bathsheba,
on her own roof top.
though she is married and he has eight wives of his own,
decides that he wants her.
concedes, because you don’t refuse the king,
she becomes pregnant with his child.
David sends her husband into a dangerous battle and he is killed.
is not pleased with David for this, and David’s relationships
with his children are cursed for the rest of his life.
These are just three stories about Kings
There are many more stories about Kings who have many things,
but choose to use their power for their own ends
to fill their own wants and egos.
And that story rings true even today.
The stories
of powerful people committing
assault, abuses of power, and corruption,
are stories
of powerful and wealthy people
who have everything
they want,
but use their positions to intimidate and coerce
and to get more and more.
And it seems
like many of our current world’s leaders
seem to want absolute loyalty from everyone
and will use intimidation and violence
against their own people to get it.
And our own
leaders in this country spend their
and power and collateral just trying to make
corporations bigger, and trying to ensure that
banks have more money, and rich people have more money,
and to make themselves more comfortable
all at the expense of the average American, and especially the poor.
The story
seems to go that those who have the most power
want more of it, And the only thing that satisfies them
is more than what they had the day before.
This is the common story about the kings of this world.
Today is
Christ the King Sunday,
the day when where we remember that Christ is our king,
our ultimate leader, and the real leader of the world.
And in the illustration we hear today, we see what Christ
uses his considerable power for.
So, this is
Jesus last parable in Matthew.
It’s the last one he tells before he is arrested and killed.
It’s the final of the apocalyptic parables,
the ones we’ve been hearing, about the end times.
This is what he leaves his disciples with.
Jesus says
that at the end, when Jesus returns,
he will come in glory, just as you would imagine
the king of the whole world coming:
On a throne with the angels surrounding him,
draped around in glory and splendor.
And at that
moment, he judges all the nations of the world.
But what does he use his power for?
And what is the basis for his judgment?
It’s not how much money they provided for him,
or how much land they gave him,
or did they worship him or bow down to him on a regular basis,
or did they make him feel good about himself,
or did they honor him give him enough loyalty.
No, his
question for them is
“How did you treat the least of those
among you?”
This is what is important to the king.
This is what is important to Jesus.
Did you give
the hungry something to eat?
Did you give the thirsty something to drink?
Did you welcome the stranger? Clothe the naked?
Take care of the sick? Visit the prisoner?
This is the basis for the judgment of the world.
This is what is important to the king.
Not whether you bowed down before him
with the proper reverence and ceremonies,
not that you gave him what he wanted and made
his friends happy and rich.
What is most important to the King, is that you used your power to
take care of the least powerful in
your nation.
So the
parable says at the time of this judgment
“All the nations will be gathered before him,
and he
will separate people one from
another as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats”
The translators translate that word there as people,
but people is “laos” or “anthropos” but the Greek
word that’s there is “autos” which is just the pronoun “them”
which refers back to the “nations”.
“All the nations will be gathered before him,
and he will separate them – the nations – one from
Most people who study this stuff believe that the intent
the parable was that the nations would be divided like sheep and goats.
This is not a
parable about individuals, but about nations.
This is not a parable about our personal piety and mercy.
This is parable about politics and empires.
That one little translation choice makes a big difference.
So how is the nation that we live in doing?
What is important to our leaders?
Because in
the end, we will not be judged on stock market returns,
or the strength of our military,
the amount of successful fortune 500 companies we have,
or our unemployment rates, or the rate of inflation
which all of which our leaders seem to be most interested in.
We will be
judged on how we treated
the least powerful in our empire.
So have we
fed the hungry?
17 million households in the US suffer from hunger.
And this country continues to cut food stamps
and other benefits for those in poverty.
Have we given
the thirsty something to drink?
Flint Michigan, Jackson Mississippi, the Rio Grande Valley,
and other primarily black and Latino communities have had
ongoing water problems in the US.
Have we
welcomed the stranger?
There is still a fear and hatred of immigrants in our country.
And many people with all kinds of immigration statuses
live in fear of violence, exploitation, harassment, and deportation.
Are we taking
care of the sick?
Almost 67 percent of bankruptcies in this country are due to
medical bills and healthcare for the poor is always being cut.
Are we
reaching out to the prisoner?
The US represents only 4.4 percent of the world’s population
but we have 20 percent of the world’s prison population.
This is just a short list.
How would our
nation do when the Son of Man returns?
Has the United States recognize Jesus in the least of these?
The richest most powerful nation in the world?
Would we be with the sheep or with the goats?
With 63
percent of Americans still identifying as Christian,
and with 88% of our Senators and Representatives in the US
identifying as Christian, we should be doing better.
Because this is what is important to Jesus.
This is what is important to God.
This is what is important to the king.
The King doesn’t care about who is saying “Merry Christmas”
or about keeping prayer in school,
or posting the 10 commandments in court houses,
Or about giving religious privileges to Christians.
It’s not about sexual morality, or policing women’s healthcare,
It’s not about advocating against transgenderism,
or removing marriage rights from same gender couples,
or whatever passes as Christian public policy these days.
What’s most important to the King is how we treat the least of these.
Now this
might seem like all bad news,
because we’re not doing well in that department as a nation.
It might seem that we’ll all be cast
into the eternal fire.
But we remember that this is a parable not an allegory.
This parable is not here to make us feel guilty because
we personally didn’t do enough for one person.
It’s not a prediction, it’s a story to help us
think and imagine, evaluate, and reorient ourselves.
This parable is here show us what is the ultimate concern
for our savior and ruler.
And to tell us that empires and nations who don’t care
for the least powerful, will not stand in the end.
So it might
be bad news to those who love their
wealth and
power and have no interest in sharing it.
But I assure you, this is good news for those people
who feel chewed up by the system. And for those unable
to sustain themselves and keep their heads above water.
And this is good news to all of us who ache and hunger for justice.
And who see our brothers and sisters suffer and hurt for them.
It’s good news because the King sees their suffering
and our suffering this suffering is not the end of the story.
It might not
look so good for us now,
It might look like we’ve failed the test
between the sheep and the goats.
But Christ is King and he wants to see all the nations
care for all their people.
And if that’s what the king wants,
that’s what the king will get.
It may look like we’re going in the wrong direction right now,
but God is in the process of creating a world,
a new heaven and a new earth,
where greed and apathy have no place.
Where violence and hatred are only memories.
We don’t know how or when the King will get there,
but we have faith that the King will make this happen.
We live in a
world that God created
and in the end, the world that God created
will not sustain nations who do not care for the least among them.
We will be changed, God’s way will be our way,
probably not in our lifetime, but soon and very soon.
The good news
of this parable is that we have a King who cares.
We have a savior who’s concern is for us all.
God doesn’t see people just as tools that the more
powerful can extract labor and resources from
until they’re all used up.
God doesn’t see us as pawns in a play for power,
or some economic game.
To Christ the King, we are not
just subjects or peasants or play things.
From the most
to the least
powerful among us,
we are all the King’s children.