Monday, March 27, 2023

The Violence of Love

 John 11:1-45  March 26, 2023

Oscar Romero
Bishop of El Salvador


Like the woman at the well,

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus 

only appears in the gospel of John.


Miracles for John are always more than just miracles,

they are signs of something larger.

They point to something about Jesus and

they are there to show us something about the activity of God

and the Holy Spirit in our world.

John actually calls them “signs”

So what is this miracle showing us?

Jesus brings resurrection and life, obviously.
But not just that, there’s more to it.

To decipher it, we have to review the story a little.

There are a bunch of different details to look at,

but I specifically want to look at Jesus

interaction with Martha.


So Jesus is in another town and he gets word

that his friend Lazarus is very ill.

Now , you think he might go quickly to see him and help him.

It says Lazarus and Mary and Martha were special friends of Jesus.

He had gone to help other people,

you might expect that he would have made

a special effort to go and help Lazarus. But no.

Jesus takes his time and stays a while longer wherever he was.


So it’s four days after Lazarus is dead,

for four days Mary and Martha were grieving over their brother.

And when Jesus arrives at Bethany,

you can kind of feel the anger in the air.

Martha meets Jesus on the road and says,

“If you had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.”

I mean she’s seen him cure so many people before,

so many strangers, he could have come and helped his friend.


So Jesus tells her “Your brother will live again.”

And Martha tells him:

I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”


Now, Jewish people at that time believed

in the resurrection on the last day,

It was what the Pharisees were teaching,

So Martha is giving this line back of normal rote stuff

everyone would have been taught in their

religious education classes.

“Yes, yes, he’ll rise on the last day. I know eternal life.”

She may have even been annoyed by Jesus religious response.


And I can completely understand that if she was.

When someone dies, lots of people’s inclination

is to tell the person who is grieving

“It’s okay, your loved one is in heaven now”

or “God needed another angel” or some other platitude like that.

But telling someone those things are not usually consoling.

Especially when the death is unexpected, or the person is young,

their loved ones still have to remain here,

and deal with the pain and loss,

and pay the bills, and live alone,

and raise the kids by themselves.

Practically speaking, saying to someone,

“Your husband, or brother, or wife, or child is in heaven”

is not comforting in every situation.

And it wouldn’t have been in this one.


But it’s apparent that is not what Jesus meant.

Jesus doesn’t quite correct her, but he says,  

 “I am the resurrection and the life.”

Jesus is saying, while I’m here, new life is possible.

He’s not talking about the after-life

He’s talking about resurrection here and now.


And that’s exactly what Jesus does.


Jesus calls to the previously dead man:

“Lazarus come out” and Lazarus walks out,

his body still wrapped up in the cloths

he was buried in, and Jesus tells the rest of the people to

“Unbind him and let him go”.


And that is the sign that this miracle points to in John’s gospel.

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

Not only in some point in the future,

but right here and right now. 

That doesn’t mean that Jesus is literally bringing

dead people to life these days, that’s never

been a ministry of the Christian church,

but the gospel of the unconditional love and forgiveness of God

has the ability to bring people, communities, and the world

back to life, right here on earth in this realm

in real time, all the time.


And when religion doesn’t get in its own way,

the community of Christ can be part of that.

Jesus gospel of love and forgiveness has the power

to empower and give life to the world.


So it’s sad and ironic that lots of people 

in the Christian church haven’t gotten past

the idea that Christianity is ONLY about the after-life,

and going to heaven or hell after you die.

That Jesus and his church ONLY have rule

over the after-life is a much safer story to tell.

It is not disruptive to the status quo.

It leaves the powers of this world to run everything here.

But this sign of the raising of Lazarus  points to the fact

that  Jesus means to bring resurrection and life right now.


And according to John’s Gospel, this was the very last straw.

This was the thing that pushed the religious

leaders over the edge.

This was the moment, hearing about this miracle,

that convinced them that Jesus needed to die.


But some people went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. 
So the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the council and said,
“What are we to do? This man is performing many signs.  
But one of them, said to them, 
“You know nothing at all! 50 
You do not understand that it is better for you to have one man 
die for the people than to have the whole nation destroyed.

So from that day on they planned to put him to death.” 

This is how the world reacts to resurrection and new life.

This is how people react to God’s presence in the world.

It’s controversial, it’s dangerous, it’s a scandal, it’s a threat.

When the church remains safe behind its doors,

talking just about the after-life, everyone is fine with it.


Even when it’s spouting off it’s tough discriminating

rules and regulations, judgments, and condemning

people and groups of people to hell,

even when it calls for killing and death,

everyone seems pretty comfortable with that,

because that is business as usual.


But when the body of Christ comes out of the

safety of the church with words of empowerment

and new life for the previously bound,

when that new life threatens to upset the

status quo of society, then there’s trouble.

Then people get upset.

People got threatened and upset at Jesus,

and they’ve gotten upset with other people who 

have used that power to unbind and release the oppressed and hated too.


In the 1970’s Oscar Romero was appointed arch bishop of

El Salvador. The ruling classes were happy.

He was a friend of the rich oligarchy who ruled the country.

He was content to keep the status quo alive

even though it was crushing the El Salvadoran people


Poverty and hunger was rampant,

schools and health care for average people were abysmal

or non-existent, rents for farms were outrageous,

and poor people were taxed at a much higher rate

than rich people. And to keep all this in place,

corruption and voter suppression was rampant.


Meanwhile, through paramilitary groups,

the government was putting down

any kind of opposition or any type of protest

they killed many of union leaders, activists, teachers, students and

anyone suspected of sympathizing with the peasants.


For a while Oscar Romero and the church did what the church

oftne did which was support the rich and powerful

and ignore the people.


But in March of 1977, Oscar Romero’s friend

Father Rutillo Grande was assassinated by

security forces in the village of peasants that he served.

The church requested that Bishop Romero to have the

funeral quietly in the small  province where

Rutillo Grande served, as to not bring attention to it.


But, against the wishes of the church,

Oscar Romero held the funeral at the

cathedral in San Salvador, the capital city.


People flooded into the mass from all over the country

and Romero spent the time afterwards

hearing stories of suffering from peasant farmers.

It was then that Oscar Romero was converted,

It was then that he could finally see,

and changed his life and the role of the church in El Salvador.


He left his comfortable Bishop’s palace,

and lived in relative poverty with the people.

And he started to speak out against the

war, violence, and injustice happening

during his regular Sunday sermon

He preached non-violent resistance and reconciliation

which was broadcast to all of El Salvador on the radio.


The Salvadoran government, backed by the

United States was wreaking havoc on the country

in an attempt to tamp down on protests and unrest.


On March 23rd, in his regular Sunday sermon broadcast,

Romero called on Salvadoran soldiers

to defy the orders of the government,

obey God’s higher calling, and stop carrying out

the government’s repression for them,

and stop killing their brothers and sisters.


The next day, on March 24th, 1980, 43 years ago this weekend,

Oscar Romero was presiding at a mass at a hospital

for terminal cancer patients.

After he finished his sermon, and stepped away

from the pulpit, Bishop Romero was assassinated.

He was shot and killed, right on the altar of a chapel.


In 2009, the state of El Salvador finally

admitted their responsibility in his murder.


A 12 year civil war would follow his killing

that caused untolled death and destruction

in that country, without the preaching

of non violence that Romero


Romero didn‘t want one side or another to win.

He advocated for a stop to the violence and repression.

He advocated for justice and peace and reconciliation.

he advocated for the liberation of all the citizens of El Salvador

who were bound by oppression and violence

no matter what side of the situation they were on.

What the church should be advocating for.

And that felt disruptive and threatening.


Romero called it the “Violence of Love“

which he said feels like violence because it upsets

the status quo and the social order of things.

It is this love, he said,

which left Jesus nailed to a cross.


He said “Let us not tire of preaching love;

it is the force that will overcome the world.
Let us not tire of preaching love.
Though we see that waves of violence succeed
in drowning the fire of Christian love,
love must win out;

it is the only thing that can.”


I was in El Salvador in 2017

and  Oscar Romero is honored and remembered.

His picture was in almost every church we went into.

There are murals of him on walls all over.

He’s still lives in the hearts of

the people there for doing what the church

should be doing: advocating for the bound and oppressed,

stepping into the complicated fray of life.

Bringing new life out of old, dry bones.

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

And the gospel of love, forgiveness, justice, and reconciliation

that he brings has the power to raise and empower

the ones who were dead and forgotten

and condemned to new life.


And even though it might upset the status quo,

we, the church of Christ,

have been asked to be a part of

sharing this new life with others.



Monday, March 20, 2023

I Was Blind

 John 9:1-41 Lent 4 March 19, 2023

 We have a lot of characters here:

Jesus Heals the Blind Man
Brian Jekel

We have Jesus, the disciples, 

the neighbors, the Pharisees,

the man’s parents and of course, the man born blind.

The identified patient in this story.


We have lots of healings in the other Gospels,

we even the healing of blind man in a similar way, with mud and spit,

but here again, we have John’s gospel commenting on those healings,

and looking deeper, John’s story is asking

“what would the people around the healed say about this healing”

“How would everyone react” and

“what does this tell us about God and Jesus?”


One thing this story seems to say is that

The man in the story is blind in the literal sense,

but it seems like everyone else in

the story are the ones who can’t see.


First we have the disciples,

When they see the man born blind,

They don’t say, “Can we do anything to help this man.”

They don’t talk to the man himself who is sitting right there.

They ask, rudely, right over him, “What caused this man to be blind?

Was it has sin or his parents?” I mean he’s blind, he’s not deaf.

They are working under the assumption that prevailed at the time

that if someone is born in such an unfortunate circumstance, 

it has to be evidence of God’s displeasure with them.

They ignore the man and use him as a theological object lesson,

they can’t see the man, they don’t talk to him, they talk about him.

Jesus basically said, this man couldn’t be cursed,

he’s about to be used to reveal God’s glory.

The disciples can't see.


Now this blind man has certainly been

around this town his whole life

It’s the same town his parents live in.

People didn’t move around like they do today.

And his parents say he is of age, so probably 15, 18, 20 years or more.

But none of them seem to know his name.


And after he’s able to see,

the neighbors who have passed him every day

for the last couple of decades, hardly seem to recognize him.

Remember, towns were small, neighborhoods were small

It’s not like there were bunches of people to keep track of.


And yet, these neighbors can’t really say for sure

they call him, “the man who used to beg.”

They don’t believe it’s him, even though he says, “It’s me”.

They can't see.


They probably don’t know him because

they never actually met him before.

they probably walked over him, ignored him,

they discounted him as a sinner who was cursed by God.

They probably yelled at him for being in the way,

or having the nerve to ask for money,

But they never actually saw him. They were blind to him.

And they still can’t see him now.


And there’s the Pharisees, the religious leaders.

 Jesus has just healed a man – an amazing miracle –

no one should argue that.

But they can’t see the amazing miracle.

They can’t see it because it was Jesus who did it,

and they think Jesus is a bad guy because he’s 

not following their program, he healed on the Sabbath and they count that as bad.

So they ignore the man who was healed, 

and they curse the one who healed, and just argue amongst themselves.

The man tells them exactly what happened,

but they are so preoccupied with their own judgments

that they can’t see a miracle of God when it happens in front of them.

They can't see.

Then there are the man’s parents

they don’t seem very parental at all.

They don’t seem too elated that their son

has just been given his sight back.

And they keep distancing themselves from him

it says because they were afraid.

They were so afraid, that they can’t see

their own flesh and blood, and his joy

because all they can see are the problems he is causing them.

They can't see.


The man is the one who was called blind,

but the other people in this story are the ones who

were really blind.

They are each so convinced, so set in their ways,

that they could not see what was there in front of them.

They were blinded by their apathy, their religious convictions,

their preconceived notions, their fear, their prejudice.


The only person who can really see in this story

is the man who was born blind.

He sees the religious leaders for the self righteous fools they are.

He can see that Jesus healed him,

And he sees that anyone who could restore his sight

must be sent from God.


Jesus doesn’t just heal the man here,

through this healing Jesus shows us that

The people who think they can see,

might very well be blind,

and the ones called blind might actually see.


And so it is with all of us too.

Often we are so convinced,

by our religious convictions,

our rules, our traditions, our prejudices,

by what we’ve been taught in our youth,

by our fear, and by our own stubbornness that

we just can’t see what God is doing right before our eyes.

People can be converted, or claim Jesus as their lord and savior

or be raised Christian all their lives, and go to church faithfully ,

and still not see— not understand – what God is doing.


John Newton was born in 1725 in London.

His mother died when he was 7 and at 17,

he started to work on different ships.


When he was 23, he was on a ship that was going to Ireland

when a terrible storm hit and the ship was about to sink.

He prayed to God to save the ship,

and after the storm began to die down and they were saved.

He marked that event as the day that changed the rest of his life,

the day that he began his conversion to Christianity.

He started to study scripture, and he avoided

profanity, gambling and drinking.

But he said later that he still didn’t understand at that time.

He couldn't yet see.


That was because even after he was converted to Christianity,

he became the first mate and then captain of a slave ship.

He captained three voyages between Guinea,

the West Indies kidnapping and capturing African people

to be sold as slaves in England.

Even after he stopped being a sea captain,

he still invested in the slave trade.

He still didn’t see.


After he stopped being a ship’s captain,

He became ordained in the church of

England and was a pastor in London.

Eventually, through his understanding of scripture

and his work as a pastor, he began to rethink

his past and the institution of slavery.

He started to see.


He became repentant of his past, and eventually

started to work with English lawmakers to end the slave trade

and became a vocal leader in the abolition movement

that eventually led to the end of slavery in England in 1807.

He later wrote:  “It will always be a subject of humiliating reflection to me, 

that I was, once, an active instrument in a business at which my heart now shudders,”


Normally the words of a pastor from more than 200 years ago

would be forgotten with the ages,

but the words of John Newton are remembered

because in 1779, he wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace”,

one of the most popular and familiar hymns ever written.


People call it John Newton’s spiritual autobiography in verse.

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.”


John Newton became a Christian in name in 1748,

but his actual conversion took place over many decades.

He wrote: "I cannot consider myself to have been a believer in the full

sense of the word, until a considerable time afterwards."


Jesus doesn’t just make Christians and then leave us

to our own devices. Jesus is constantly opening our eyes.

Helping us to see and understand more about God’s will.

Christianity and the church have changed. A lot.

Change can hurt and can be hard to deal with.

But change is necessary. 

There’s no shame in changing our convictions.


Jesus said,

I came into this world

so that those who do not see may see,

and those who think they can see,

will realize that they might be blind.”


Realizing and admitting that we are or were or could be blind,

that we might not understand everything right now is the first step.

Acknowledging that we do not know all.

That we may have been operating under false assumptions

is the first vulnerable step to our transformation in Christ.


God doesn’t want us to cling to our traditions,

or the way our parents did it, or what we believed

in our first years in Sunday School.

Jesus wants us to see things through new eyes every day.


Jesus doesn’t just heal people’s eyes.

Jesus helps us to see.

We die to our own sight, and we rise to Jesus’s sight.


I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.