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Jesus Walking on Water (I can't find the artist) |
Jesus has just fed more than 5000
with five loaves and two fish.
now he’s doing something amazing again.
After he’s done with the crowds,
sends the disciples off in a boat.
the wind takes them out into
deep part of the sea.
while they’re there,
see a figure walking on the water.
At first the disciples are scared,
because of the storm, but because they think it’s a ghost,
what else could be walking on the water.
they realize it’s Jesus. Jesus is walking on water.
Jesus calls out to them.
“It’s just me walking on water,
don’t be afraid.”
And Peter is maybe
emboldened by Jesus’s presence,
or moved by the Spirit, or just
trying again
to impress everyone, he tries it
He tells Jesus to command him to come out into the water.
And Jesus does. “Okay, Peter, come on”
But the wind is high and Peter
freaks out and he starts to sink.
He calls out to Jesus, “Please
save me”
And he does and Jesus says the oft
quoted phrase:
“You of little faith, why did you
Now the
interpretation of this line I’ve
heard most often is that Jesus was
disappointed in Peter because Peter
He took his eyes of Jesus and became
He doubted that he could walk on
And his doubt caused him to become
and he sank right then and there.
So based on
this, the sermons kind of follow:
Don’t take your eyes of Jesus like
Peter did, and you won’t fail.
If you don’t let your faith
falter, then you won’t fail.
You’ve got to step out of the
boat, take the risk,
believe you can do it and success
will follow.
Don’t doubt for a minute, or
you’ll end up like Peter.
Basically the power of positive
thinking and faith,
enables us to do the impossible.
But I struggle
with that interpretation.
Is that really what the Gospel
writer wants us to come away with?
If I believe hard enough I
can do it?
I can walk on
water? Really?
Can anyone walk on water?
If this were true, you would think
there would be
some Christians who could – walk
on water.
I’ve known many with a faith that
couldn’t be shaken for anything.
But they’re still not walking on water.
So maybe I’m
just a cynical person,
but my main trouble with seeing
this story that way is that
Peter can’t walk on water. He never
walks on water.
Even in Acts, he’s filled with the
Holy Spirit, he is courageous,
he sees the power of God, he has
wonderful things happen, miracles
all around him.
But we never see him walking on
that water.
And I think that is probably what the Gospel writer
us to leave this story with:
We can’t
walk on water.
Jesus can walk on water.
But even though we know that in some portion of our brain,
hard for us to remember.
hard for us, as followers of Jesus, to remember that it’s not all
on us,
that the world the church and everything else
all rest on our shoulders.
feel like we need to walk on water.
Whenever we see those difficulties of the world
have been put in front of us as disciples:
God’s love, feed the hungry, heal the sick,
good news to the poor, I mean,
times even just keeping our churches open,
and preaching the gospel
all seem like a impossible tasks in themselves.
And at this point, it seems like our country
slipping further and further into a dangerous place.
and racism seem to be surrounding us.
seem on the verge of violence all the time.
have staggering inflation and looming evictions,
and poverty,
hunger, and desperation.
And the
climate is changing which is leading to disastrous results
none of our leaders seem to have the will or courage
to do
anything or formulate any constructive plan to
get us
out of this situation that
I look at this disaster at this present moment
and I say
“this is impossible.”
are we ever going to climb out of this hole?
How can
we fix all of these issues ?
How can we help so many people in need
will I change the world?
I can hardly keep up with life in general
how am
I going to do this?
ever get that feeling of being overwhelmed?
feel like we need to walk on water sometimes.
But we
just don’t have the skills?
When I was in seminary, our very first class was Hebrew.
We did a month of intensive Hebrew in
August before the year started and our professor was
Dr. Robinson,
he was very smart and exceptionally kind.
I was pleased to have seen him again at the reunion
I just went to.
At the end of the
month of this Hebrew class,
we all felt woefully inadequate, and it was our
first dip into seminary
and a lot of us felt like we didn’t have a grasp on
Hebrew it at all.
The month ended with an in-class translation test.
We were worried. Some people thought they might fail.
First class in seminary and we were going to fail.
We were all talking about it a lot and some of this
got back to Dr. Robinson.
Dr. Robinson came into class the day before the exam.
He said, “I hear some of you think you’re going
to fail.”
“I have to say, I’m very disappointed in you.”
We thought, Here it is,
we’re gonna hear how bad at Hebrew we really are.
But he said, “I’m
disappointed that you would think
I would let anyone fail.
I am here to help you learn Hebrew, not fail you.
We’ve spent a lot of time together over the last month and
I’m disappointed that you thought that of me.”
Which was a relief, but almost smarted worse than
I think it’s important to look at this parable this way.
said to Peter “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt”
was not disappointed in Peter because
he doubted
he walk on water and he failed.
was disappointed in Peter
he doubted Jesus would save him.
Peter doubted that Jesus would save him.
And we
doubt that Jesus will save us too.
is not here to fail us on our exam.
is not here to give us tests we can’t pass.
does not want to see us drown.
is here to save us.
So, let’s get this straight. We cannot walk on water.
Jesus can walk on water.
God’s job to save this world.
will do something
with this mess, I have no doubt.
Now there are things that we can do.
not permission to just sit out and watch
world go by and do nothing.
still had to work hard at learning Hebrew
learning our vocabulary, and understanding it.
We all have our own part in this,
we do
all have to help others,
need to demand the changes to our systems,
we are
asked to love others the way Christ told us to love.
are things that we can do.
But it is not our mission to walk on water.
Jesus will
walk on water.
Spirit will do the heavy lifting.
might take a while, it might not all look
feel like we want it to,
but God
will be the one to bring
the pieces together in the end.
will save us.
CS Lewis, the popular Christian writer said:
“The problem
is not that we expect
too much out
of God, but we expect too little.”
Why do we doubt God’s love for us?
what we have known,
why do
we doubt that Jesus will be there?
Why do
we doubt that God will get things done?
Why do
we think that it is all up to us,
that we have to learn to walk on water?
We are living in the middle of this rough sea.
Some of us are out on the sea in our
personal lives,
and all of us, I think, feel like this
world is out to sea right now.
Listing this way and that, battered by
waves and wind,
barely able to stay afloat, at times it
seems hopeless.
At times we might
feel like we’re drowning
and desperate and like there’s no hope
for us.
Will God save us?
Oh we of little faith,
why did we ever doubt?
Well this sermon dovetails perfectly with the "revelation" i recently had, and shared with you! Thanks again!