Luke 21:5-19
November 13, 2022The Beginning Is Near
Imaginary Foundation
As a kid in the 70’s
and 80’s
I used to love watching shows
on TV about Nostradamus.
They stick out in my mind
I would watch them with
both interest and dread.
Remember Nostradamus?
They have some current shows
about him,
But he was all the rage in
the 70’s and 80’s.
He was a man who lived in the 16th century
who wrote predictions that
some people felt
had come true in history.
The predictions were kind
of vague poetry,
but people interpreted
them and said that
they predicted world
The shows said that he
like the rise of Napoleon
and Hitler.
And the assassination of
It was pretty convincing
And then my favorite
part of the show
was when they would try
and interpret
some of his poetry and
apply it to future events.
Does the “Great war with
the eagle and bear”
mean that there will be a
war between Russia and the US?
Does “the celestial fire”
mean that a meteor
will hit the earth.
I would watch these in
dread and delight
wondering what the future
would hold for our world.
I envisioned the end of everything.
Everything familiar and
Even if you don’t
remember these Nostradamus
shows, you have seen
preachers try and do this
on television. They talk about the future in horrifying terms.
And these kind of preachers tend to tell everyone:
desperate times call for desperate measures.
They want people to choose what they say is good,
and to hate and fight the evil they determine.
They usually encourage people, overtly or covertly,
to resort to violence.
We’ve seen this kind of take hold of people lately.
The message is: Win at all costs.
We’re right and chosen by God, and THEY are wrong.
Defeat whoever their leader defines as the enemy.
Do whatever is necessary, the time is now, the end is near.
Jesus might seem to be
doing a little dooms-day
talking in today’s gospel.
He’s talking about the future in frightening terms.
Earthquakes, wars, famine, disease, and persecution.
It’s a
hard message to hear from Jesus,
one that has thrown many
people into sleepless frenzies,
and many people have used
Jesus words to manipulate others.
But I don’t think Jesus
is saying these things to make people
frightened. I don’t think
he’s telling people these things
for them to give up hope.
I actually think he’s saying these things to
try and comfort people
Jesus is saying:
Terrible things will happen,
these things happen all
the time.
You will see plenty of
pain and destruction, violence,
and death, maybe even your
own death.
But when you see and hear
these things: don’t be afraid.
Because that is not the
God has not lost, hope has
not lost, love has not lost.
Jesus wants us to put
things like this in perspective.
Things may seem
disastrous, unrecoverable, desperate.
But don’t believe what you
see. It is not the end.
Do not give up hope, do
not give up what you’ve learned.
Do not give up on God.
This temple that they
were sitting by
when Jesus said this was
Many of the stones that
were used to build it weighed 28 tons.
Some were bigger than that.
the outer court could hold 400,000 people
it was a marvel of architecture
and ingenuity
It was beautiful and
It still would be today if
it were still standing.
So when Jesus to talked
about the destruction of this place
The disciples’ imagination
must have been racing:
what kind of force would
make that happen?
What kind of violence and
destruction would our people see?
And this was God’s house, where God’s people
came to worship.
If the temple was
destroyed, would all our people be destroyed?
And what would become of God?
Would the world lose trust in God if God’s house
and God’s people were gone?
But there’s more to people’s understanding of this temple
than just its
might and beauty and strength and the worship of God.
Even though it was God’s temple and
where the people of
God worshipped, the disciples and other Jewish people knew how
King Herod had built it: He
levied brutal taxes on the people.
He worked in collusion with the Romans
who oppressed Jewish citizens.
He built it abusing thousands of
slaves and low paid workers.
And they also knew why
King Herod built it to be
so big and so impressive.
He built it so he could out-do the pagan temples
built by pagan rulers.
It was a statement by Herod to show off his
choice of gods and to show his own
power and glory off before others.
In a world of many
Gods, the ruler with the biggest temple wins.
Herod believed he had won.
The temple was proof of
God’s greatness.
And Herod’s glory was
solidified in those 28 ton stones.
Herod’s faith rested on
his achievement,
it rested on the grandeur
of the building,
it’s strength, it’s
ability to stand, it’s beauty.
To many people the temple
itself had become an idol.
But Jesus said it would
come down.
So the end of the temple
would also
mean the end of Jewish dominance in the area.
It would be the end of the Jewish place and rule
in Jerusalem.
It would be an end to the
life they knew.
But it would also mean it
would mean the end of the hypocrisy.
and an end to Herod’s
tyrannous rule.
What looked like an end,
could actually be a beginning.
Jesus says, you will
see many frightening things,
But the end of the temple
is not the end of God.
Just like the cross was not
the end of Christ,
it’s not the end of God’s
relationship with God’s people.
Of course we know now, the temple
would be destroyed less than 50 years after
Jesus lived.
The people who read or
heard the gospel of Luke for the first time
would have remembered it
Many people died, many
things were destroyed
and life would never be
exactly the same for any of them.
the remnants stood up in
the midst of the devastation
and doctored their wounds
and helped one another and
bravely went on to the
next day
adjusting their lives
around the calamities,
with renewed faith and
stronger dependence on God
because of what they’ve
been through.
And of course, we have seen terrible events in our lifetime
There was AIDS, 9-11,
there have been terrible earthquakes,
hurricanes, and tsunamis,
the pandemic,
nuclear disasters, ongoing
fires, rising tides and floods,
There have been world
wars, nuclear bombs,
endless wars in Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Yemin, now Ukraine.
the list goes on and on
and changes in every era.
And through all these
events, the world has changed.
and natural and human disasters are just one part of those changes.
Technology, attitudes, the way we behave, sexuality,
racial relations, economic situations, things that Nostradamus
didn’t even touch on have
changed the world.
The world is not same
place that it was in the 80’s
And yet, when you think
about it,
there is still so much
that has remained the same.
The end of everything that
I feared
still hasn’t really
The devil wants to tell us that all hope is lost.
That desperate times call us to give up.
The devil would like us to resort
to our worst behavior,
to give up on our integrity, our
moral compass,
and to give up on the power of love
and God.
But Jesus tells us, don’t believe
Even if bad things happen all
around you,
don’t believe that hope is lost.
Jesus is saying whenever you see the end,
it is also a hope for a new beginning.
There will be wars and rumors of wars,
Nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom,
there will be earthquakes, plagues, and dreadful signs everywhere.
But do not lose hope.
God does not stand or
fall with buildings or
governments, or economies,
or cities, or churches, or leaders.
God does not depend on
things remaining the same.
And God’s relationship
with God’s people does not depend
on the outward signs of
peace or prosperity or beauty
so we shouldn’t look to
them for our security.
This world is flawed and fragile and volatile
but our trust is not in
the world or what it holds.
Jesus is telling his
friends and us:
Don’t anchor your faith in
the strength of a temple,
Or in success, or in
beauty, or your good fortune.
Rest your faith in God
and God alone through all things.
Then you will be able to
see strength
and beauty and joy in the
midst of our struggles,
because you know that God
is always there with us.
Thank You for this much needed reminder!