Luke 16: 1-13 September 18, 2022
Oh my! This parable. This has got to be one of the most confusing parables.
Most scholars don’t agree on what Jesus could mean.
I mean it’s easy figure out
what’s going on,
but the message seems contradictory to things that we assume
about Jesus and our place in the world as Christians.
So much so that we doubt our
understanding of it.
As I said, the story itself is simple to understand:
A manager has been put in
charge of his bosses accounts
he’s been accused of being
and his boss tells him to
clean out his desk
because his pink slip is on
its way.
The manager knows he isn’t good at manual labor,
and he doesn’t want to be
homeless, so he has a plan.
Make all the customers happy and
they’ll be nice to him later
and maybe they’ll let him sleep on their
So he calls up Henry and says, “Henry,
how much do you owe my boss?”
and Henry says, 100 bucks.
So the manager says,
“why don’t you just give me
50 and we’ll call it even?”
and Henry jumps on the chance
and is very happy.
Then he calls up Sally and
says how much do you owe?
She owes a hundred bucks too.
He goes, how about 80, can
you do that?
She’s like, “Yeah, I can do
that right now.”
So, let’s do it and we’ll
call it even.
Now, you think that the boss would be pretty angry
because there the manager
goes again being dishonest.
But no, the
owner of the business applauds the manager
He actually
He says,
“that was pretty clever.”
And the first confusing thing is that act is commended
by Jesus,
he says, “I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of
dishonest wealth so that when
it is gone, they may welcome you into the eternal homes”
And the second confusing thing is that Jesus seems to
discredit that
statement immediately in the warning
in the next two verses.
“Whoever is faithful in a very little is
faithful also in much;
and whoever is
dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.
11If then you have not been faithful with
the dishonest wealth,
who will entrust to you the true riches?
12And if you have not been faithful with
what belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?
So we have the story and then the confusing statement,
“make friends by dishonest wealth” and the warning,
“whoever is faithful in very little is faithful also
in much”
Now some scholars have said that the
Warning doesn’t belong
because it seems to contradict
the story and the statement.
And some reasonable people
say that the
statement doesn’t belong
Jesus couldn’t be praising a guy
who breaks the rules.
And some people say that Jesus
never said the parable at all
and they choose to just
ignore the whole thing.
Our discomfort with this parable
and why it causes so many
interpretive gymnastics
is that we can’t wrap our
around the fact that Jesus is
praising dishonesty.
Maybe as Christians, we’ve
spent so much of our
history teaching each other
that to be good Christians
means to follow all the rules,
no matter how bad the rules are.
So this parable is so consternating because it doesn’t
go along with what we’ve been
brought up with as Christians.
But I think we have to take Jesus at face value
believe that he said both things and he meant them.
just have to change our presumptions about a lot of things.
So I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here.
And I might change my mind
next week, but here goes:
In the story, Jesus gives an example
of a manager being
“dishonest”. Now he doesn’t rob people,
he doesn’t keep the money for
He’s not that kind of
What he actually does is he made
up his own rules.
He changed the system.
And the system is this:
There’s a boss who has a lot
of wealth and people borrow,
then they owe. They actually owe a lot.
Most likely a lot more than
they borrowed.
They are in debt. And debt
becomes their status in life.
It’s very hard to get out of debt. Debts are an age-old way
of keeping people subjugated to the debtors.
That’s why the Hebrew scriptures actually tell people not to loan at interest.
The people
in debt have to keep struggling, they have to keep working, and they can never
get ahead.
It works the same way
today, people are swallowed up in
student loan debt, medical
debt, credit card debt, payday loans -
Just in order to survive. Everyone’s following the rules,
but the rules that are there make a few people really rich
and make lots of others indebted to them.
But when the manager came in and forgives debts,
he just went and changed the
This is not the way it was supposed to work.
You’re not just supposed to
go forgiving debts.
If you just forgave debts how
do we control people?
How would we know who is
worthy and who is not?
People get upset when debts
are forgiven.
There’s something about it,
the little bean counter in all
of us goes crazy, we go, “that’s
not fair. I had to pay,
why don’t they have to pay.
What’s going on?”
The whole system of ordering
and judging people is falling apart here.
But if you really look at it, everyone actually comes
out okay:
The people who owed obviously
benefit they are no longer in debt.
The manager benefits because
he will be welcome into
the homes of the people who
And even the boss benefitted
because now he has $130
that he wouldn’t have had,
and everyone in town
thinks he’s the greatest guy
in the world. It’s win, win, win.
The only thing that isn’t
happy is our sense of what’s right and fair.
And as I said last week, God stinks at math.
And as I said several times before, God isn’t fair.
And when Jesus says,
whoever is faithful in little is faithful in much.
Maybe Jesus is saying that
the “faithful” thing to do is to
change the rules. Even if
this looks dishonest in the eyes of the world.
Remember, this is all in response to the fact that
the Pharisees and scribes
have been grumbling.
“Why is Jesus eating with tax
collectors and sinners?”
In other words, “Why is Jesus
rewarding people who have so much
repenting and changing to do?”
Don’t they owe debts?
Shouldn’t he be telling them about
all the repentance they
should be doing?
Shouldn’t Jesus be showing them tough love?
Shouldn’t Jesus be telling them all about their sins
and telling them that he
won’t love them until they change their ways? If he just goes and eats with
them and welcomes them,
then there’s no difference
between those people and us.
If God loves them just the
same, then we couldn’t judge them like we’re used to judging them. That
wouldn’t be fair.
Maybe Jesus is saying the “faithful” way is actually
to not
follow the rules. To change the rules.
Maybe Jesus is saying “honest
wealth” is the one where
everyone gets the benefits that God gives and not just the few
privileged ones who have been raised on the
ladder of success.
Maybe Jesus is telling us that maintaining
the system is not the
honorable way
and treating people with love
and kindness is.
Maybe Jesus is telling us
that the system is actually “dishonest”
and the “faithful” way is to
go around it or change it.
Like I said, maybe I’ll
change my mind later,
but this is what I’m thinking
So there was this Lutheran Church in Washington DC
Memorial place. It’s in the middle of DC in a depressed
neighborhood and like a lot of churches, it was struggling during the
1970’s when members started to move
to the suburbs.
The pastor at the time was
John Steinbruck and when I was
in seminary he was a guest
professor and I was in one of his
classes, so I heard a lot of
his tales.
In the 1970’s, the church
was severely declining and it was
struggling to survive. It was
likely to close soon.
Then in 1976 there was a particularly cold winter and a couple of homeless people died of exposure.
wasn’t enough room in the shelter and a crisis was about to brew.
So one
night, the pastor just decided to open
the doors of the church and let people sleep inside the church. And he did it
the next night and again. Soon there were hundreds of people sleeping all over
the building. This was not how things were supposed to work.
Churches weren’t supposed to do this . You were supposed to get permission, you
needed certain things in place, there was processes.
But Steinbruck said that “people
were dying that night. To heck with the rules.” But he used more colorful
language than that.
A friend of Bob’s was actually a member of that church
at the time,
and I asked him, did it cause
any trouble?
He goes, “oh my gosh yes,
there was tons of trouble.”
Lots of members of the church
were complaining about it,
council meetings were really
tough for a while,
the city was causing trouble
with codes and ordinance,
things went missing in the
church, There was no place to have a meeting. It was real trouble. But the
leadership saw something happening and they didn’t pull the plug on the
Steinbruck told us in our class that even the Lutheran
Church was not
pleased with him. The synod asked for the parochial report.
They were getting mission
funds and they needed to show that their worship membership was up to snuff to
get the funds.
So he just counted every
person that had slept on their floors for the past year – 675 that’s our membership. He said, (again
not as gently as this) “If those people in Chicago didn’t like it, they could
lump it”
People were very annoyed
with him and the church on all fronts.
He didn’t follow the rules, he
didn’t care for the process, the constitution, the laws of the city. He didn’t
use polite language.
Homeless people aren’t
But that was a turning point in that congregation.
church suddenly had a mission, a point.
giant building that seemed too large for the congregation
a purpose, the neighborhood fell in love
with the church in a way it hadn’t before. Everything changed. They started N
Street Village, which serves the homeless population in many ways in DC. They
started the Lutheran Volunteer Corps in 1979.
The Congregation has been a wonderful and thriving
the last 50 years, a beacon to their community involving
people in spiritual growth, service, and justice.
they are seen as a model congregation of the ELCA.
Did they follow the rules? No.
they the go with the system as written?
No. Especially in the Lutheran
Church in the 1970’s.
Was it in service to God? Yes.
Did everyone win in this
- The homeless who were
previously freezing? Check.
- The city didn’t look so
heartless letting people die. Check.
- The congregation that was
lacking a clear direction? Check.
- The national church that
would come to see Luther place
as a model of what a church should be? Check.
Maybe the most honest way of dealing with things
the way that looks the craziest and
most unorthodox to the rest of the world.
Are we as Christians so bogged down with doing
the right and proper thing by
the rule book that we
sometimes forget about taking
chances for God?
What if the message of this parable is that Jesus
wanted his church to stop clinging to rules and to actually be faithful?
use the worldly wealth that we have - not
to keep order,
but to throw things into
What rules and systems are we clinging to?
What faithful things are we
saying, we can’t do
because maybe it breaks the
rules as they are?
What if Jesus is asking us to throw our rule book
What if Jesus is telling us
to stop being responsible
and start being faithful?
What if Jesus is telling us to break our own rules
that we’ve established? Could we get into trouble?
Sure. Jesus got into
plenty of trouble for us.
Jesus said, “you cannot serve two masters.”
You cannot serve money, rules,
or security
and God at the same time. Sometimes
you have to choose.
Jesus is the unjust steward. He is the shrewd manager.
He knows that the world is
not saved by rules, or doctrine.
Not through counting debts
and repayments
and figuring out who was
better than who.
Salvation came through Jesus, not through rules.
The world was saved by
breaking rules and by putting love, grace, friendships, and relationships
Jesus saved all of us by
releasing our debts. By just giving it all away.
Jesus is a crook, robbing
the system of its power.
Giving life to those who
don’t deserve it.
We were saved by a scoundrel, a rule-breaker a man who
to death between two thieves
on a cross for his trouble.
Jesus was faithful with what was given to him
and in return he gave us true
He knew he could not serve
two masters.
And for our sake, he chose to
serve God.
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