Monday, November 1, 2021

Reformation! Dedication! Celebration!

October 31st 2021

Reformation Dedication Celebration


Today, we are combining celebrations.

We are celebrating the dedication

of the sanctuary which this congregation

has been working on in one way or another  

for about six years.


And we’re also celebrating the Reformation

which began in 1517 with Martin Luther

nailing the 95 theses to the

door of the Wittenberg church in Germany.

As Lutherans, we look to Martin Luther for guidance,

he was the founder of our denomination,

and he was a wise professor as well as a man dedicated to Jesus.


People knew he was important, even when he was alive,

so lots of his letters and conversations were written down,

so you can find a Martin Luther quote for almost anything,

so I wanted to look up an inspiring quote that he might have about

church buildings, sacred spaces, the places that we

celebrate God and Christ and here’s what I found:


For where God built a church,
there the Devil would also build a chapel.


Not quite the inspirational quote that I wanted

for the celebration of our sacred space

but what else do we expect from Martin Luther?

Always keeping us humble and on our toes.


He’s probably made a good point about church buildings though.

They can be delightful, but they are also problems.

They are the bane of some churches existence actually.

Buildings are temporary, they decay, they leak,

they get musty and smelly they fall down around our heads,

Sometime their upkeep ends up being

a lot of the focus of a church’s activity.

Sometimes they become a church’s only focus,

And people tend to use them for comfortable security.

We lock ourselves up insider rather than

taking our ministry out into the world.


Actually, the building of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome

and the money extorted from faithful Christians with the

threat of hell in the form of indulgences,

 was the impetus  for Martin Luther’s 95 thesis


Many a church conflict has been started

over the church building:

who has control of the kitchen,

what color should the carpet be,

to have kneelers or not to have kneelers


Anything that a group of people can disagree about

about power, aesthetics, and finances comes

up in the construction, care, and maintenance of a church building,

And everything in a church building gets raised to the level of

a divine disagreement as we try to guess

which way God would like the furniture arranged.


So maybe it’s proper that Martin Luther

reminds us to look out for the devil’s chapel

in our church buildings.


But even the cynical Martin Luther can’t deny

that church buildings are also wonderful things.

They contain our history, they tie us back to

those who worshipped God here before us.

They will remain, in one way or another,

long after most of us have gone.

They are testaments to the faith and conviction of God’s people.

They evoke memories, they connect us to

those who have passed through before –

the ancestors of our faith.


Even St. Peter’s Basilica stands as one of the marvels

of history, art, and architecture, preserving

masterpieces from some of the most talented artists in history.


And our more humble buildings of congregations

around the world aren’t just buildings, they are the place of our faith.

The place where we have loved and hugged,

and prayed and helped one another.

It’s a place used for worship, music, prayer.


This building and other buildings like it are the places

where we do the work we are called to do in the world

it is one of the most important tool of our ministry

Much of the work of the church goes on inside these walls.

Therefore these are sacred spaces.


Which brings me to my next quote from Martin Luther:


Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church.

How could anyone know where Christ is and

what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?


The church building is the place where the congregation is found,

the central location for us all to meet one another

and, most importantly, where other people know to meet us.


It’s where we come for worship, and also

for meetings, gatherings, meals, to make

sandwiches and lunches for hungry people,

to give our blood, to house the homeless.

It’s where we collect food and make quilts

it’s where we have baptisms, and weddings, and funerals.

All the milestones of our lives happen here.


Church buildings are where God is found.

I mean we know that God is everywhere,

God is in trees and skies and sunsets

and in city streets, and schools, and bars even.

As Martin Luther said, God is found in our cabbage soup

but we know that God can reliably found here

where we share God’s word and sacraments.


For those who are seeking God, the building

is a landmark: people know that here,

we will be washed in God’s cleansing water,

that we can find Jesus body and blood,

where we know that we will be fed and forgiven.


And this is a place where people can find a message about God.

Where people can come for a message and sign of

God’s love and acceptance and abundance.

It starts here and leaks out into the world.


And that is because the people gathered here

have experienced God’s grace and love for themselves

and want to share it with others.

That’s what a church –  is people

shaped and inspired by God’s Word and

gathered together by the Holy Spirit.


As we always try to remember,

the church is not the building, it is the congregation.


Which brings me to my last quote from Martin Luther:


Now the Church is not wood and stone,

but the company of believing people;

one must hold to them, and see how they believe, live and teach.


Today is also another celebration,

the 48th anniversary of the founding of this



Today we celebrate Christ Lutheran’s dedication

to this Hilton Head Island where it was founded.

And we celebrate this congregation’s vision and tenacity.

It’s ability to overcome obstacles.

To take risks even in times of uncertainty.

We can see that embodied in the

completion of this renovation and

in the joy and vision of all the

people who have made it happen.


Today we celebrate the presence of God

in this place at 829 William Hilton Parkway,

We celebrate the love of God that is found in Christ.


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